Thousands of people in this country are facing extended periods of “stay-at-home” or self-isolation as a result of COVID-19 risk or infection. At the best of times, staying away from loved ones, peers and colleagues would be a challenge, but adding the spectre of a life threatening infection to the mix elevates this to potentially a high stress experience.
Thankfully, psychological research during other disaster situations such as SARS, Zika virus, Ebola and the Boston Marathon bombing has delivered some instructive insights on how we react to these situations and how best to manage them.
Those who have experienced quarantine or Isolation speak of a series of burdens that take their toll on feelings of well-being. The limiting of natural social contact, the cessation of a natural daily routine and the experience of a lack of control over one's life can become debilitating and exhausting. The consequences experienced can include emotions such as fear & anxiety, boredom turning into depression and maybe even frustration turning into anger.
So here's three ideas that might help in some instances ....
1. Be proactive
It’s easy to start feeling a little overwhelmed when so much is changing and so much seems outside of our control. The government keeps introducing new rules in its efforts to limit the impacts of COVID-19 and “normal” keeps changing. So what can you do to regain some sense of control in your life?.... Making a plan and identifying what we can control is associated with having a sense of purpose and progress. Sketch a daily timetable or routine and post it where you and others can see it, as doing so increases our probability of sticking to it. Ensure variety in the schedule of work, leisure, exercise, learning, etc.
Consider engaging in something new – a project – that sparks your intrinsic motivation and curiosity. We can learn to manage our moods and feelings, so try to be aware of what you are feeling, and understanding why you are experiencing these feelings is the first step to putting yourself back in control.
Consider engaging in something new – a project – that sparks your intrinsic motivation and curiosity. We can learn to manage our moods and feelings, so try to be aware of what you are feeling, and understanding why you are experiencing these feelings is the first step to putting yourself back in control.
2. Stay connected
Whether one is extrovert or introvert, we are a social species and connecting with friends and family has positive effects on our well-being. Whether it's text, video chat (Facetime, Skype or Zoom), social media or phone, just staying connected keeps us centred. In particular, it is good to share what you feel. While a problem shared may not be a problem halved, there is a host of research to support that sharing concerns with trusted others has significant positive psychological benefits.
3. Care for your health
Quarantine and isolation s stressful and stress weakens our immune system, so being proactive about staying healthy becomes even more important. Stick to regular meals with the correct nutritional variety and avoid snacking. Anxiety can sometimes prompt us to comfort eat or "drink", so we need to manage these urges. Daily exercise will help regularise sleep patterns all of which boosts psychological health. Needless to say, the misuse of alcohol or drugs will not help longer term adjustment despite how the short-term relaxing effect of alcohol may be appealing in a time of high stress.
Check out Productive Things To Do During Self-Isolation
And if you’re feeling a little down, then maybe take a look at our page - If You Need a Laugh and Be Inspired
If you’re looking for more resources on dealing with any feelings of anxiety or possibly depression that are being triggered by COVID-19 or maybe by strict social restrictions, then the Black Dog Institute has a wealth of information
And here are some more quick tips extracted from the Australian Psychological Society website
Here's some practical basic tips about how to self-isolate safely-