Free School Holiday clinics  - loads of fun again!   

Junior school holiday clinics were again  offered by our club coaches. They are always such a great success, usually being fully booked out.  Well done to Andrew, Kelsey and the PTTA team for providing such a popular event that both kids and their parents throughly enjoy. The school holiday free clinics have become a tradition at the club which so many of our juniors look forward to each year.

Courts 5 & 6 open for play

Our new synthetic grass courts, which replaced our red porous surfaced courts have been very much in use recently.  The club is grateful to Maroondah Council for their collaboration in the co-funding for the re-surfacing of these two courts, 5 & 6.  The new surface offers the benefits of a significant reduction in water consumption and reduced maintenance costs.

What science tells us about the importance of mindset

What is a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is a belief that you can develop your skills and talents through hard work, the right strategies, and with proper guidance from others

The term “growth mindset” was coined by American psychologist Professor Carol Dweck in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. She conducted extensive studies to explore how an individual’s underlying belief about their intelligence and their ability to learn could impact their performance. 

Her research showed that those people who held a belief that they can develop their talents tended to achieve much more than those who believed their abilities are innate and fixed from birth. Those with a growth mindset would deliberately seek to challenge themselves to learn more, rather than sticking in their comfort zone. 

Those people with a more fixed mindset, whose belief was you’ve “either got it, or you haven’t”, tended to give up quickly if they weren’t succeeding with any new endeavour. 

In contrast, Dweck’s studies revealed that people possessing the “growth” outlook on life did not fear failure - instead perceiving the experience as an opportunity to learn and therefore improve. 

Coaches from many sporting codes - tennis, basketball, football and soccer - are now encouraging their players to develop resilience by cultivating a growth mindset. Coaches have discovered it’s just as important to praise for effort, and not merely results.  

There is now a firm basis of scientific evidence confirming that your mindset can have a powerful impact on your ability to improve and perform at your best. 

Open Colleges have an article “25 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset” if you’re interested

The growth mindset is based on a belief that your abilities and qualities are things you can eventually cultivate through your efforts. Although people obviously differ in many various ways - in their initial talents and inherent aptitudes, their interests, and their temperaments—everyone can nevertheless make a choice to change and grow through applying the necessary effort and being open to new experiences.” – Professor Carol  Dweck, Stanford University 

Contact Kelsey if you’re interested in playing junior weekend competition (she is our awesome junior teams co-ordinator)



Our EastCroydon Tennis Club coaches took a group of juniors to experience the atmosphere at the 2023 Australian Open. This is where dreams can begin.


Bianca Andreescu speaks about her tennis career and her personal development journey

Bianca Andreescu competed at the 2023 Aus Open. She is a professional tennis player who commenced playing tennis early in life in Romania but eventually returned home to Canada, the country of her birth. She is a young woman who has experienced a wide range of emotions in her relatively short tennis career.

There were the soaring highs experienced in 2019, when the then-teenager captured the imagination of the tennis world by stunning Serena Williams to win the US Open.  But then came the dispiriting lows in 2020 and 2021, when Andreescu battled injuries and struggled through two pandemic-impacted seasons before declaring that she was taking a break from tennis for mental health reasons.

Now, the 22-year-old finds herself fighting her way back up the tennis rankings.  After six months away from the game, she rebuilt her ranking from outside the top 100 to her current ranking of world No.45 - although still short of her career-high No.4

Yet she competes with a refreshed perspective, benefitting from recent lessons and self-reflection on her tennis career journey.

“That's been the biggest thing for me this past year, is learning to love and accept myself as best as I can, regardless of whether I have won or lost a particular tennis match,” she told   “I read a lot of books on psychology, I listen to a lot of podcasts to try and better understand how the mind works.  Honestly it's really helped me get to this point right now, having a sense of love for myself off the court. Because before, so much of my self-esteem was based upon my results and the outcome of my games - when I'd lose it would be like the end of the world. …..But now I feel much more in tune with myself.”

Andreescu has always possessed a notable self-awareness for somebody so young. She believes this maturity stemmed from travelling the world, often alone, since the age of 12 as she built towards a professional tennis career.  

"I do a lot of inner work. I really believe that's the key to finding true happiness, joy and contentment in life."

Andreescu realises that when she is both healthy and mentally in a positive mindset, then she is better placed to realise her career vision.

"My purpose is to use tennis as a platform to help inspire others. And basically that's using my tennis results, and my tennis base to hopefully, motivate others to follow their dreams ……. I want to be known as someone who is hard-working, but who is also fun and heart-warming to other people.  I want to be spiritually intact, someone who knows herself and who knows what she wants.   And who's more than just a good tennis player but also a really good human being.” 

We look forward to watching this inspiring young woman compete during the 2023 Australian Open - commencing Monday Jan 16 with finals Sunday Jan 29.  For more info on the Open visit



Many of you will be aware that our beloved club coach Andrew Marshall, recently suffered a set of deeply tragic circumstances.  Our club President emailed members to alert them to a GoFundMe page that had been created to provide some financial support for Andrew and his kids.  Many club members made generous contributions.   We hope that Andrew and his children continue to recover and we all look forward to him returning to the courts when he is ready. He is one of those “larger than life” characters that helps bring true Spirit to a sporting club and we all eagerly await his return.  Our thoughts have been with you mate.

“GAME, SET & MATCH”  Funding Announcement
Our club was delighted to again welcome David Hodgett, our local state Member of Parliament, to the Club and learn that if elected to government, the club would benefit from funding to support three major projects……
- construction of two additional courts
- upgrading of two red porous courts to synthetic grass
- upgrading court lighting
Club President Noel, has recently emailed members with further details of the funding announcement - recognising it is conditional upon David’s party winning government. 

David along with our local Councillor, Tasa Damante and Club President Noel and Club Secretary Steve


The Annual General Meeting of the East Croydon Kilsyth Tennis Club Inc. was held in the Clubhouse on Wednesday evening , July 13th, 2022.

All offices were declared vacant and elections for offices were held.  Other general business relating to the club was discussed.

The club would like to thank Richie Wright,  who stepped down as Vice President, for his many contributions to the club over many years.  Brian Cook was elected as Richie’s replacement and we look forward to him bringing his considerable management experience to the role. 

FREE COACHING PROGRAM FOR OVER 50’s - just ended in June  

Re-Connecting With Tennis  - A Free coaching program for over-50’s

The Victorian Government’s “Sporting Club’s Grants Program” awarded our tennis club a grant to enable us to offer a coaching program to both the senior over-50’s members of our club, as well as the senior members of our local community who were interested in re-engaging with tennis. 

The program has commenced and attracted a mixture of people who are both keenly enjoying their tennis, as well as the opportunity to mix and socialise within a group. Our club coaches are running the program and ensuring that each session is full of tennis drills, tips, activities and fun. 

The club is appreciative of the grant from Sport & Recreation Victoria, which enabled this awesome program to be offered to participants FREE of charge. Here’s a recent photo of some of the group members having a drink and bite to eat after a coaching session……..  Some of the program participants have already expressed a post-program interest in joining a night tennis team at the club.



The East Croydon Kilsyth Tennis Club is open but we are still required to comply with a number of “Covid safe-play”conditions set by the government.  Please scan in to the QR code when attending or playing at the courts. (Also note that a Court Usage Plan has been developed for our courts, in an attempt to ensure equitable access and time on court for all members - including coaching, and the casual walk up player or family)

CONGRATULATIONS TO COLIN MARTIN - Winner of the 2021 Neville Asquith Award for “most valuable” Vets Club-member

Popular vets club-member Colin Martin was awarded this years Neville Asquith award. Colin is known for the “handyman” repairs he has helped with around the clubhouse and also recognised for his great sportsmanship and sense of fair-play on the court. In his typically unassuming manner, Colin accepted the award from club legend himself, Neville and our tireless club Secretary, Steve Baldry. 


On a separate note, club President Noel Hester announced the next club fund raising bbq to be held at Croydon Bunnings on Sunday Jan 9.  Anyone who can lend a hand for an hour or two is asked to contact our club Secretary, Steve on 0419 896 607.  Any assistance you can offer would be very welcome. 


3 lessons for our juniors

1. Dare to dream big
2. Be willing to work hard to achieve your dream
3. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you

Long serving Committee member Brian Cooke was proud to be the inaugural recipient of the Club’s Neville Asquith Award.  Named after one of the true servants of our tennis club,  club Vice President Neville (94 years young)  spoke about Brian’s many contributions. The annual Award seeks to recognise those people who so often work quietly behind the scenes to help keep the club running so smoothly.

CONGRATULATIONS  to the junior club coaching scholarship winner....

The club announced the inaugural winner of the coaching scholarship, sponsored by Warren Woodcock and his family - Keishi Sasuga  The scholarship provides Keishi with one term of tennis coaching, valued at $250. Three further junior scholarships sponsored by the Woodcock family will be awarded over the next 12 months. Club coaches Kelsey and Andrew described Keishi  “He is a boy who always tries his best and listens to advice. This coaching scholarship will give him the opportunity to gain some valuable one-on-one intensive tuition and maybe help take his game to the next level”.  Keishi’s mother expressed her gratitude to the Woodcock family.

Click on Junior Scholarship to read about our next recipient and to learn more about how the award decision is made.

East Croydon Kilsyth Tennis clubSHOUT OUT TO MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL - Major Safety Works Program Carried Out At Our Court

Thanks to our local council for organising and funding some major capital works projects and substantial  safety improvements at our courts.  Our local councillors offered their support for these initiatives, with the Leisure Facilities team at Maroondah Council playing a lead role.

In particular,  stabilising and securing the foundations for each of our court lighting structures and replacing several of the light poles that had severely rusted. These important works have helped to ensure a safe playing environment for our club members, when tennis eventually resumes. Night tennis has proven very popular at our club, with around 16 teams usually competing on a weekly basis. So safe lighting is essential. 


In recognition of more than 30 years of dedicated service to our tennis club, the club has awarded Mike Drummond it’s first Certificate of Service. It is a token of our appreciation for the tireless work that Mike has done in support of all club members. It is through the efforts of willing volunteers such as Mike, that the club can run so smoothly. Mike on receiving his award, in his typically humble and unassuming manner said that he was surprised and thankful for the award. A presentation had originally been planned for the AGM, but with the uncertainty surrounding lock-down, a small presentation occurred outside of his home. A nice couple of bottles of wine accompanied the award.

The Neville Asquith Metro Masters Award for Good Sportsmanship 

In recognition of Neville’s many years of service, both as President of Kilsyth Tennis Club and as vice-President of our own East Croydon Kilsyth Tennis Club, the club is proud to introduce a new perpetual award.  

This year’s winner will be decided by Neville and announced at the AGM.  It is a fitting award that reflects Neville’s own personal commitment to the values of fairness and sportsmanship and the key role he played in bringing Metro Masters tennis to both clubs. 


You might like to check out some interesting new pages we’ve recently added to the website....

Tennis Australia : COVID-19 & playing tennis 

Club members are asked  to be aware of social distance guidelines - so please remember to maintain physical distance between yourself and others (at least space of 1.5 metres).  You might like to view the advice that had been issued  by Tennis Australia regarding COVID-19 and Continuing to Play Tennis 

To view some tips and precautions on how to reduce your risk of exposure to the corona-virus, click here 

Social Tennis: 

East Croydon Kilsyth Tennis Club
Come along, join in the FUN - 
  • have a social hit of tennis, in small groups
  • cost $5 per player
  • register - simply give Kelsey a call (0408 731 065), so we can organise  
  • play on a casual basis.

Our coaches take Hot Shot kids to the AO 2020

What an awesome day it was for a group of lucky East Croydon Kilsyth tennis club kids who attended the AO this week - lead by our popular club coaches Andrew and Kelsey. Not only did they get to experience centre court - they appeared on the Today TV show with Karl......... Likely to be a day remembered by all the kids for a long time!

Service to Tennis Award 2020
Danielle presenting Steve with his Award

The club was delighted to have Danielle Cornwall from Tennis Victoria, come along and conduct a fabulous training session for members of the club who will be volunteer hosts in the up-coming new Thursday evening "Get Your Racquet On" program (commencing Jan 23).  The club is excited by the prospect of welcoming new players that we hope will be attracted through our participation in this Tennis Australia initiative.

At the same time, Danielle took the opportunity to present Steve Baldry with his Service to Tennis Award. Steve was typically humble in his acceptance of the Award, acknowledging the close working relationship he has developed over many years, with his mate Noel Hester (our club president).
Shout-out to Brian Cooke

Brian is one of the real characters of the club's Vets tennis brigade - well known for his jovial manner.

One of Brian's many contributions to the club are the seat benches that appear on the sides of our courts 1, 2, 3 & 4

For the vets in particular, at the change of ends between play, these seat benches are well used in taking a brief few moments of "recovery".  

Brian constructed all of these seat-benches himself, as well as supplying the materials - quite an accomplished handyman is our Brian!

Tennis Victoria - "Pick Up A Racquet"

The club was delighted to host a visit by Danielle Cornwall, Club Development & Participation Officer (Eastern Region) with Tennis Victoria. 

Danielle met with several members of the Club's Committee and outlined an exciting new promotional campaign sponsored by Tennis Victoria aimed at encouraging "lapsed" tennis players to re-connect with the game. However instead of playing so called "traditional" tennis, participants will be playing various versions of tennis - designed to be more fun and more social. There will be music, games and activities - accompanied with some food and drinks.  

Our club agreed to participate in the campaign, recognising a wonderful opportunity to potentially attract new members to the Club, and to showcase our club's facilities to members of our local community. We want more people to experience the FUN of our game and the chance to make new friends.

And you might like to check out the club’s Facebook Page for more information about upcoming events and our facilities ....... 

View the club’s Child Protection policy