- Stay
healthy with good nutrition, regular exercise, sensible drinking, and sleeping
- Do
not participate in community gatherings including community sport if you
are elderly or have pre‑existing medical conditions.
- Take
the following hygiene actions:
- Wash
your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially
after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose,
coughing, sneezing, or using the toilet. If soap and water are not
readily available, use a hand sanitiser that contains at least 60 per
cent alcohol.
- Avoid
touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Cover
your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t
have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow.
- Do
not share drinking bottles, crockery and cutlery.
- Stop
shaking hands, hugging or kissing as a greeting.
- Ensure
a distance of 1.5 metres is kept between yourself and others.
- Get
vaccinated for flu (influenza) as soon as available. This could help
reduce the risk of further problems.
- Clean
and disinfect high touch surfaces regularly, for example telephones,
keyboards, door handles, light switches and, bench tops.
action tips to protect your community
- If
you have returned from overseas you must self-isolate at home or in a
hotel for 14 days.
- Do
not organise or attend indoor gatherings of 100 or more people, or outdoor
gatherings of 500 or more people. This is a directive from the Victorian
Chief Health Officer and Victorian Government.
- If
you have had close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19)
in the previous 14 days you must self-isolate and must not participate in
community gatherings including community sport.
- Stay
home if you are sick and don’t expose others. If you are unwell with
flu-like symptoms, do not go outside your property or home, do not go to
work, school or shops unless it is essential – for example to seek medical
- Everyone
should avoid crowds wherever possible. If you must be in a crowd, keep the time
- Visits
shops sparingly. Where possible, consider
home/office delivery and take-aways.
- Where
possible, use debit and credit cards instead of cash and make use of
online and self-serve transactions (for example, Myki top ups).
- If
using a change-room, do not share items like towels and soap bars, and wash
your hands after changing.
- Only
travel when necessary.
- If
you are elderly or have pre existing medical conditions, try to avoid the use of public
- Ride
in the back of taxis, Uber and ride shares.
Source - https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-transmission-reduction-measures
If you do succumb to the virus and need to quarantine yourself, then check out our page - Coping With Self-Isolation
Also, check out Tennis Australia advice on COVID-19 & Continuing to Play Tennis (although subsequently, the government has introduced bans on the playing of sport)
Recognising symptoms of COVID-19

Be alert for these symptoms and self-isolate if you have any. See a doctor if they are severe.
The short video below is produced by Science Insider and it may help to more clearly illustrate and explain for you, the symptoms of the corona-virus that you should watch out for....
If you do succumb to the virus and need to quarantine yourself, then check out our page - Coping With Self-Isolation
Also, check out Tennis Australia advice on COVID-19 & Continuing to Play Tennis (although subsequently, the government has introduced bans on the playing of sport)
Recognising symptoms of COVID-19
Be alert for these symptoms and self-isolate if you have any. See a doctor if they are severe.
The short video below is produced by Science Insider and it may help to more clearly illustrate and explain for you, the symptoms of the corona-virus that you should watch out for....